Generally, Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy is difficult to describe, a big part of it has to do with perception and sensing, feelings such as compassion and love, presence and stillness. As soon as you describe sensations happening between two people related to the moment, simple words restrict the range of feelings and perception.
But nevertheless, we want to try here to describe some points of this wonderful therapy in the following:
Biodynamics happens between two people, on the spot, in the moment, in silence. A connection is sought with the patient through the heart fields, which is nothing special at first, as this is what people do who meet with empathic intention. We also connect through the social nervous system, in presence, with compassion and care. This is the basis for the patient to feel safe, so that regulation and healing can take place. In this connection we perceive, without judgement, a non-interfering accompaniment of the processes in the patient. We additionally work with primary breathing, connect with the Long or Mid Tide depending on the situation and accompany these natural forces through the structures and wait in silence for a change in perception.