
International School

BioStillness International School

What is Biodynamics?

Generally, Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy is difficult to describe, a big part of it has to do with perception and sensing, feelings such as compassion and love, presence and stillness. As soon as you describe sensations happening between two people related to the moment, simple words restrict the range of feelings and perception.

But nevertheless, we want to try here to describe some points of this wonderful therapy in the following:  

Biodynamics happens between two people, on the spot, in the moment, in silence. A connection is sought with the patient through the heart fields, which is nothing special at first, as this is what people do who meet with empathic intention. We also connect through the social nervous system, in presence, with compassion and care. This is the basis for the patient to feel safe, so that regulation and healing can take place. In this connection we perceive, without judgement, a non-interfering accompaniment of the processes in the patient. We additionally work with primary breathing, connect with the Long or Mid Tide depending on the situation and accompany these natural forces through the structures and wait in silence for a change in perception.

What is biodynamics?

Generally, Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy is difficult to describe, a big part of it has to do with perception and sensing, feelings such as compassion and love, presence and stillness. As soon as you describe sensations happening between two people related to the moment, simple words restrict the range of feelings and perception.

But nevertheless, we want to try here to describe some points of this wonderful therapy in the following:

Biodynamics happens at one place between two people, in the “Now”, in silence. We connect with the patient within the mutual heart fields, which is normal, as this is what people do when they socially engage in a friendly way. We also connect through the social nervous system, with calm presence, compassion and care. This is the basis for the patient to feel safe and relax, so that nervous system regulation and healing can take place. In this social connection, we as therapists offer a non-interfering guidance of the processes without judgement. We work with primary respiration, connecting with the Long or Mid Tide or other rhythms in the field. We observe and intuitively assist these natural forces through the body or state of mind and wait in the silence for a change.

Through a safe connection, stillness and primary respiration, old imprints in body and mind can be revealed, modified or released.

We do not exclude working with body structures, they are often entry points for us or hints where we can or might start. Like Rollin Becker DO, we work with the inherent treatment plan that is revealing itself in the present moment. There may be rational considerations regarding a client’s symptoms, but intuition is dominant in the therapeutic process.

Biodynamics is not only a therapy, but also the source of wholeness. It describes the essence of safe human relationships. It has respect for life and gives space for the unique experiences of each individual.

Teaching Biodynamics is our passion. Our different life paths have led us here. The passion for it we feel now, generates an immense power from empathy and compassion.

Why Biodynamics and how we interpret it

Our treatments are deep, compassionate, mindful, non-judgmental and not target-oriented, but process-related. We strive to awaken the pre-existing Health in the body and mind.
We like to teach and work with embryological forces that are still powerfully acting in the adult body. They get attention and space which brings the body and mind to a new healing level.

We like teaching in an uncomplicated way. Professionally we are competent but in teaching we are simple. We teach at an equal and applied in a practical and safe manner.

Basically, we do not limit ourselves to sequential training modules. The courses have minimum contents (especially our basic trainings), but they are all unique regarding the biodynamics of each course.

Basically, we want to expand the method of Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy without limitations of human borders and language.

Biostillness - Who we are

Mar Ximenis

Biodynamic Craniosacral Practitioner, PTP

I share with Ellen Grösser and Carlos Rodeiro the desire to learn and the need to share my experience. My involvement with the BioStillness platform and my work as an assistant lecturer at the BioStillness International School makes me very happy. I want to contribute to the spread of biodynamics. At the same time, I am happy to be able to continue learning alongside people with so much knowledge and generosity.


Here are our main docents


Ellen Grösser

Dipl. Biol., HP, BCST, RCST

Teaching for me means avoiding standard protocols and telling the students what they should feel.
I teach theory and practice but basically, I just present my approach and share my experience. Behind my teaching can only be my truth, it is filtered through my personality, my biography and experience. Working with students and colleagues (other “filters”) – additionally, deeper insights often emerge in the group, which can be integrated by students and adapted to their way of working. My students say that I have a gift for communicating things in such a way that they can sit and listen for many hours without their attention span waning. I help everyone feel like they are being lovingly taken along on the journey.

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Carlos Rodeiro


Teaching is always a natural process in me as well. Just as it has been a process how I learned Craniosacral from my teachers.
What makes my teaching different from others – I often hear this from colleagues who are in my classes – is that as a participant you always have the impression that you have been taught as an equal, without arrogance. They can always integrate the teaching directly when they return home from the course. They don’t have to throw their old knowledge overboard; it is valued and they can immediately apply and work with the new ideas they get.

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